Meet Narue, a sweet young lady with a hidden talent. She actually has extraterrestrial abilities straight out of a science fiction comic! But growing up is never simple, and occasionally being from an...

7.20 6.54 414

Koto Hoshino, a 17-year-old high school student, only wants to be as brave as her favorite video game character Misuzu. On a field trip, she visits the Izumo temple, where a ritual for Misuzu is being...

4.85 614

Making movies is Mitsuki Ikuta's job at the Houchiku Corporation. She is regarded by everyone who knows her as being a very immature woman who still dresses in childlike styles. She's a fan of detecti...

6.20 5.50 612

Although Mitsuki Ikuta, the show's producer, is the only one who is aware of this, Naoto Ooizumi is the author of the TV series CosPrayers. He has a thing for Natsumi Yagami, one of the actors on the ...

5.00 5.86 589